Struggles with Staying Interested

time 04:23

As I expected, I forgot

I love making something once, but being a bad programmer, I’m bad at updating stuff.

(2 minute break to get spellcheck working in QOwnNotes)

Unfortunately, I’ve accepted the way that I am, which has caused many issues over the years.
If I was a better person, more motivated and driven for continued self-improvement, maybe things would be different.

Guarantee™ will eventually someday probably maybe be replaced with a proper “professional” portfolio because I should act like an “adult”, I’ll probably move some of the garbage that’s been hiding on here to or some other place on the internet.

I do think it’d be fun to make that a web 1.0 site, as that’s how I feel inclined to program most of the time, and what really burned me out was trying to change to a proper javascript framework and do things “properly” despite the fact I was like 12 at the time.

In turn, this site will become a super ultra bland site, and maybe eventually someday I’ll upload some stuff to my github, or even just show some stuff off here. Not everything I’ve made over the years is completely worthless (but a good bit of it is), just either obsolete or missing because of my bad habits in commitment and commitment (git pun lol).

a website that i forget about for years at a time
