New blog, time for change

Decisions and Procrastination

I haven’t updated my site in a long, long, time. I did actually make new sites, but could never be bothered to fix my DNS records to redirect things.

I still haven’t decided what to do with the main page, it needs to be rewritten for modern resolutions, but I think the current implementation of having no content but instead just links is kinda nice.

It should be a resume and stuff, but that’s just no fun.


I decided a long time ago to no longer support tetris, as I personally started using jstris and not my own implementation.

The original code I wrote for it was lost, and I only have the published minified code, which is unusable for further development.

I then started Tetris V2, which I worked on for about 8 months before my computer’s PSU failed, killing both drives it was stored on.

This lowered my interest in development for my personal site, and I did other things for the last 6 years.

Why a blog?

I actually have always have one here, had no content though.

Just want an easy place to write my thoughts, so there is nothing fancy with it.

a website that i forget about for years at a time
